
Hi there!

Welcome to my Portfolio Website.

I am Aigbiluese Ehidiamhen, a young Frontend Developer fascinated with tech and focused on building simple yet elegant and functional user interfaces.

More About Me

I am currently based in Abuja, Nigeria. I began my tech journey last year, but only became serious about it early this year. Since then I've been learning Frontend Development, and it has been great so far.

During my free time I enjoy reading books, writing articles, listening to music, and of course surfing the internet for wonderful interfaces.

I also value keeping up with the vast world of tech. As systems, products, and languages are constantly being updated, there is always more than enough information to consume.

My Top Skils

Some of my Recent Projects


Personal Blog

This was my first real project as a Frontend Developer, and I built it with pure HTML and CSS.It wasn't easy for me as a beginner, and there are quite some mistakes, but it gave me some much needed experience in creating and styling elements.

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profile card

Profile Card

This single-page project was built using the 'Glassmorphism Effect', in which elements are made transparent, allowing the background to shine through. This was a little bit different, as I employed the services of the CSS pre-processor known as Sass which streamlines styling with some unique features.

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HTML Table

HTML Table

I did this during the I4GxZuri training, which is a very structural and fast-paced program aimed at giving beginners a solid foundation. This pure HTML project is in no way beautiful as no styling was applied, but it is a great beginner-friendly project in understanding HTML structure.

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Web Development With HTML, CSS and Javascript

I use these three languages to develop content on the web. I'm also currently learning Javascript frameworks such as Node.js and React.js to improve my knowledge and skills. I can also implement figma designs into functional webpages.

profile card

GUI Development With Python (Tkinter)

Before going into Frontend Development, I gained little experience in using the Python library Tkinter to create user interfaces to do basic tasks such as playing music from a directory, and recording data for a game show.